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Why does a Tech CMO or Startup CEO need Automaticos (A Branding Company)?


    You’re wasting money and time by asking designers and developers to spend time in the discovery phase to help you figure out your brand strategy. 


    Even worse:

    • You won’t know what differentiates you

    • You won’t have a brand architecture that people get

    • The whole effort will take longer

    • It will cost you more

    • The result will be suboptimal


    Provide the agency with a real brief, starting with a well thought-out brand platform – the guide that includes your company positioning, your brand architecture including sensible names, positioning and messaging for each product or service, and more. 


    The result:

    • Your web team will be happy

    • The project will take less time and cost less money

    • The things you say on your website will align with the way you want your customers to perceive your brand & products

    • You’ll end up with a better website


    You’re asking graphic designers to come up with your brand positioning and potentially your brand architecture.  They haven’t been trained to do that, but they’ll certainly try.


    Bigger issue:

    • You’ll pay them more, for stuff they’re less good at

    • It will take longer

    • The resulting positioning work less likely to be reusable for future projects

    • The identity work will look amazing! But if you started with the wrong positioning, you may have to redo identity sooner


    Go in with a brief informed by your complete brand platform – the guide that includes your company positioning, your brand architecture including sensible names, positioning and messaging for each product or service, and more. 


    The result:

    • You’ll end up with more than an identity guide, you’ll have an entire brand book with the same essential elements as big company brands provide their agencies and employees


    You’re asking creatives, account people, media people and advertising planners (different from brand) to write the brief for you.



    • They’ll charge extra to write the brief with just enough detail to get through the process

    • They’ll recommend you go to one of their sister specialist brand agencies to do the brand platform for $100k+

    • They may just do a campaign for you without a proper brief


    Start with a well-thought-out strategic brand platform for as little as $10k (and you only have to do it once), giving you the power to give the agency an amazing focused brief.


    • An advertising campaign that feels scaleable, true to your company, with a higher likelihood of achieving your objectives, and repeating elements for years to come

    • Your CFO will be happier

    • You’ll have more money to spend on media


    You’re asking commercial filmmakers and videographers to write the brand part of the brief for you.



    • It’s not their area of expertise

    • It’s suboptimal

    • They won’t spend all their time and budget on making a kickass film, because they had to figure out what you stand for and what makes you different and special


    Get a big-brand-agency-standard brand platform from Automaticos from as little as $10k (once!) to inform your brief now and all future briefs from now on.



    • The film company can focus on the story and the production

    • If it’s a good film company, you get a great film

    • You can spend more money on the film parts of the project

    • Your CFO will be happier because now you rarely flounder about (or spend extra money on) what makes you different and special


    From a naming perspective, nothing! Agencies like Lexicon and Igor create the best names going. However, they have only recently developed full brand architecture services. In other words, the names will be better if you start more confidently with a sensible, customer-centric brand architecture.


    Go to Automaticos first, create a clear brand architecture (including categorization, product prioritization, etc.) and messaging framework that fits the category and expedites customer understanding, then work in parallel with a tier-one naming agency like Lexicon.


    You’ll be over reliant on feature lists and you’ll usually be scatter gun in your product stories.



    • Ad agencies will decide what the most important rational differentiators and human benefits are the most important

    • Your website won’t tell a clear story

    • It will be unclear how products in the portfolio differ from each other, and customers won’t know which one to choose

    • Marketing teams will be over reliant on emotional or purpose-based components of your story


    Get Automaticos to include a clear brand architecture in your brand platform from 10k.



    • Get a sensible naming system that fits your category,

    • Get and give consistent guidance on priority pairs of rational differentiators + customer benefits

    • Give off big-company / expensive marketing vibes in every marketing channel

    • Be the continuous marketing hero, with your colleagues, your customers and your CFO

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