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Rebalancing a leading online university from digital activation-led to brand-led marketing. Created purpose-based brand positioning platform + 40 consumer-grade program positionings.

Walden University - Automaticos

In early 2019, American digital education pioneer Walden University made a shift in its marketing strategy, committing to move from 80% digital to 80% brand-led. To do this, they needed to redefine the brand position, refine its brand architecture, and create salient product positionings for its top 40 programs.


Throughout its history, through every one of its programs, Walden has been committed both to providing students with a wonderful university education, and to ensuring those students and graduates commit themselves to positive social change.  “Doing Good” has been an overarching truth at Walden since the beginning, so it was only natural to create brand purpose around that. 


Working with the new CMO, we created  brand positioning and a brand platform based on the principles of Education for Good™. We worked with faculty and program teams to create over 40 new product positionings using technology branding principles. Positioning work drives consistency and distinctiveness across all marketing executions. Finally, we delivered a brand architecture that simplified the marketing strategy and guided the C-Suite on how to make better decisions.

  • Within 1 year of in-market activity, 67% increase in brand familiarity

  • Within same period in market, 45% increase in brand favorability

  • 20% one-year uplift in enrolment to January 2020

"Creating the Education for Good positioning and purpose platform with Automaticos gave me a head start as the new marketing VP. While my team and I drove the platform across all marketing activities and pivoted to more intense brand marketing, George worked in parallel with hundreds of faculty colleagues to deliver 40 program-specific positionings in record time. This work guided a major website revamp, and put us in a strong position with prospects."

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