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Brand Architecture, Positioning and Visual Identity for a merged & rebranded Digital Advertising firm

Optimal mockup - automaticos

In 2021, leading political digital advertising firm DS Political joined forces with UNTU, a healthcare media, data, and technology company.  A few months later they acquired Optimad Media, a leading performance-based digital marketing firm. The CEO asked The Creative Organization, Automaticos, and design firm Point of Reference (POR) to formulate a new brand strategy, brand architecture and visual identity under one umbrella, while preserving the DS Political brand for politics-specific audiences.


Automaticos and POR conducted a series of workshops with the CEO and multiple stakeholders from all the companies that were coming together as one. They realized that the “Deploy” platform brand was the common thread linking the combined services under the new master brand, as well as the slightly separate DS Political brand.  Reducing the number of branded elements from nine to three would be the key to success.


Once the CEO and the leaders of the previously separate companies agreed on the positionings and brand architecture we proposed, POR brought the new brand to life with a powerful and distinctive visual identity.  They also drove the design and development of the new website 

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